Conditioning AI app you'd ™ for Android
available from October 31st, 2022 (Monday)


On Monday, October 31st, 2022, conditioning AI app you'd™️ will launch an Android version.

Conditioning AI app 'you'd™' enables you to locate hints for physical condition management from your own data.

'you'd™' analyzes various information such as life logs accumulated on smartphones from wearable devices, records of physical condition and habits entered by yourself, and environmental data such as weather and atmospheric pressure. You can discover the habits or environmental conditions which affect your health.

[Turn data into awareness, turn awareness into positive change]

Lots of health data and life logs are recorded on your smartphone.

you'd is developed to utilize such data to improve your health. For example, if you have data on activity, sleep, blood pressure, and weight, you can ask yourself, "When do I sleep well?" When do my blood pressure and weight go up? and so on, it will show you the ranking of what is affecting your physical condition. Our goal is to help you turn data into awareness into positive changes for your health.

[Tips to improve your physical condition]

you'd is recommended for these people:

"Individuals who cannot stay in good physical condition for important work or events"

Examples of acquired data : body condition input, body temperature, sleep data, diet and supplement intake records, etc.

"Those who are concerned about their weight and body fat percentage for body shape maintenance and dieting."

Examples of acquired data: body weight, body fat percentage, exercise data (running, etc.), calorie intake records using diet apps, etc.

"Those who are busy with work or housework while being treated for symptoms of chronic illness"

Examples of acquired data: Input of physical condition and symptoms into the application, record of intake of medicines and supplements, etc.

"People who are worried about lifestyle-related diseases"

Examples of acquired data: blood pressure, weight, body fat, girth, exercise data, etc.

"People suffering from lack of sleep"

Examples of acquired data: Sleep data using sleep apps or devices, exercise data, etc.

[Know the relationship between symptoms and illness in a timely manner]

You may want to know if you should go to the hospital when you have a problem. With you'd™, you can immediately investigate the possibility of illness by utilizing the world-renowned MSD Manual™. In addition, past symptoms that are often forgotten are accessible. You can refer back to them on the intuitive heat map.

*Notes: This application is especially recommended for those who regularly obtain health data from smartwatches, sleep apps, smart devices, etc., and are able to frequently record their changing physical condition on a daily basis. If you have little data, there is a possibility that the results may be biased.

Also, please note that the analysis results may include coincidental results.

The relationships and findings displayed in this application are presented for your reference only and do not constitute medical diagnosis or advice. You are responsible for any actions taken by you as a result of your use of this Application and the Service. For medical advice, please consult your physician or other medical professional.

This application obtains health data such as number of steps and heart rate from the Google Fit application.

It also acquires location information to obtain weather data for your current location.

■ Background

Currently, the number of people who continue to work while treating unwell symptoms in Japan exceeds one-third (2017 Cabinet Office survey *) for both men and women in 2017. Furthermore, with the expansion of Covid19, interest in "healthy life expectancy" has increased, and the areas of physical condition management and healthcare are receiving more attention and need than ever before.

Traditional health care apps have long recorded health data and lifelogs that users can view, but users are unable to idenitfy the factors that affect their physical condition.

With "you'd ™", you're able to use your existing personal data and devices as they are. In addition, you can record daily physical condition, anxious symptoms, activities such as diet and exercise by simply inputting the infromation in the application. This ensures that the accumulation of life logs is stress free.

*Reference: Survey report on health awareness of men and women (

■ App overview

  1. Name: "you'd ™"
  2. Price: Free (with in-app purchase)
  3. Store URL:
  4. Site URL:
  5. Official SNS: Instagram @youd_veldt
  6. Target OS : iOS 11, Android 9
  7. *Android Recommended Spec: more than 6GB RAM